Friday 13 July 2012

Self-portrait Photography Tips

Self-portraits can be quite challenging even for the experienced photographers, but very easy and fun for the ones who know how. The difficulty is obvious – you are both the model and the photographer, so you have to manage to do both jobs at the same time. There are some useful tips to help you take some really nice self-portraits. AndrĂ© Varela and his professional brand AV Photography pay special attention to self portraits, fine art and conceptual photography. His opinion is that every photography style can work good if used correctly, but more than that it is important to catch the right moment and express its meaning.

Have something to focus on! Bring some object to stand in the place you are going to stand. It does not matter to match your own height, but the distance. Of course, if you do have some extra tripod, light stand or anything high enough to be perfect substitutes. This trick is very easy to be done and useful in avoiding blurry photographs. Standing in the corners enables you to focus on building or wall. But, it is better to stand next to the wall than in front of it.

Setting the timer high and using burst is more than recommended.  Of course, you do not want to run into the frame, but to have plenty of time to get in the position and make a perfect self-portrait pose. Multiple photographs setting is very practical, even if you need only one photograph. This is a good solution, because it allows you to vary poses and expressions. This gives you the opportunity to choose the best shot from all those taken. Obviously, it is necessary to have the perfect settings prior turning burst on.

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